Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Hunger for More

I’m one of those people with an insistent and persistent voice in my head that tells me, “It’s never enough!” Though this whimsical voice residing in the folds of my brain, penetrating my every thought is constant, it presents itself in various ways. There are times when the voice is a gentle whisper reminding me that dreams are to be pursued and other times it is a nagging, ear piercing scream forcing me to get off my butt and never except mediocrity.

I’ve been blessed and through these blessings I’ve also been cursed. You see, the proverbial clock is ticking and as I crawl through my thirties with an uncomfortable urgency, I realize that the longer I wait for something to happen – the longer I’ll wait for something to happen. God has invested these “talents” in me and I struggle daily with whether or not I have the audacity to tap into them and use them. It takes a lot of courage to multiply and not bury your gifts in the sand for safekeeping.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve also been surrounded by the most incredible and supportive people in the world. It doesn’t stop me from wondering if my words fall on deaf ears or even worse ears attached to mouths wondering, “just who the hell does this guy think he is?” My goal has never been to be all things to everyone, just everything to me. One of my FB friends posted a quote from Bill Cosby, “I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.” These are truly some of the most profound and prolific words ever spoken!

The funny thing about having the desire for more is that it is a lot like buying a new car; once you make the purchase you start to see your car everywhere! I have friends in my life that are doing some pretty amazing things.

I have a friend that is attending law school after recently losing her mother, a friend who has turned pain that no man should endure into the most thought provoking and engaging music I’ve ever heard, a sister who has started a whole new life in another state, a cousin who is serving in Iraq along with his wife but has not lost a single drop of love or admiration for her, a friend who recently got married but had words of encouragement for me, a fellow blogger who is changing the world’s perception of children with Down’s Syndrome, a friend who has just been commissioned as an officer in the Marine Corps and whose wife is pursuing her Master’s degree, countless single-mom friends who have sacrificed everything for their children, a friend who has not let recent incarceration steal his thirst and hunger for life, friends who have dedicated their lives to educating children and the list goes on and on.

To list all of the accomplishments of the people in my life would be impossible, the one thing that they all have in common is that not one of them have allowed life to dictate their definition or pursuit of happiness. My desire is to constantly strive to adhere to the instructions of the voice in my head and take my place amongst the incredible people God has encircled around me. My goal is to be a blessing and make a mark on this earth that can be seen from heaven.

One of my favorite Shakespearean quotes is from the play Twelfth Night:

Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.

I’m ready!


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